I strayed. I strayed from my norm, and boy, it was bad. I'm a white and cream girl, love the two together, love the two apart. I strayed. Brown. Yes, Brown. A very dark chocolate brown entered our world on Saturday. I went into complete meltdown mode. Cream and brown, I wanted to barf.
Last night, a very crisp shade of white entered our world. Simply White by Benjamin Moore. It's fresh, it's perky, and I am calm once again.
We're living out of my office. But, the good news, is we don't have to live out of the bathroom sink any longer. Ew. The old sink fits the new cut out till the new sink arrives...someday.

Midge, my assistant, has been camping out at Grandmas to avoid the various stinks. She had to try out the new spacious counter top. She approves!