just another day in the country..

I put my first batch of jams out to sell today - went very well! I haven't got my cute labels done, but I know exactly how I want them to look. Next week Janis, my talented photographer friend, will come out to take some photos for me. I'll post the shoot! If she lets me!

Everything seems to ripen at once when you own a farm. In the midst of making jams and trying to keep up with the raspberries, strawberries, pole beans and blueberries, the damn peaches are ready! So, I'm trying to new recipes for peach jams tonight - one has pinot noir with cinnamon, the other has vanilla and cardamon. Yum!

That's my dog finn coming up in the back. I can't believe the peaches this year!!

My daughter won't wear shoes much past 12 minutes each day. I find them all over the yard.

I wandered the farm and just found some things that seemed pretty to me today. This is a table top planter on our back deck. Made me smile.

These strawberries aren't perfect to look at, but they are bloody tasty to eat. Below is just a perfect allium standing very tall.

By far the happiest shot I've taken lately.