On Friday, I picked up my adorable labels from Rob, one of the most talented persons I know. I then delivered my first batches of Missing Goat jams to two shops.
One in Vancouver - Butter. Owned by Rosie Daykin, famous for interior design and now homemade square marshmallows. Her bakery is the best in the city and if I keep delivering her jams, I'll get very fat.
The second, is Little White House in Fort Langley. A very pretty shop with a super charming cafe in the back. I've shot several stories for magazines (including the apartment in Paris) with this lady.
So, my farm, Missing Goat, is now going in to production of jams and chutney. We make blueberry with lavender and very very raspberry jams. We also have a very saucy chutney! I'm excited, but very nervous. Guess I'm putting myself out there again, and well, that is never easy.
In celebration of the new Missing Goat launch, I am renovating the Shabby Shack store. We are having a jam and chutney bonanza in a week, so I wanted it to look extra pretty and fresh. Here is a sneak peak at what is going on in there...
If you live nearby and want to come to my chutney bonanza (my sister informs me that is a stupid name, as only a sister could get away with) but still, if you would like to come, let me know and I will add you to the email list.
In the mean time, also in the garden, we are planting many varieties of garlic to sell next summer. About 8 raised beds with some rare varieties. The concord grapes are ready too, so tomorrow it's juicing time. Maybe I'll serve some at the bonanza!!