Hee Hawww, Yee Haw...

Today, we were invited to go for a walk - but not just an ordinary walk.

My dear friend Eleanor has four donkeys. 
She asked if we might like to come by and take them for a walk.
Of course we would!

Yowsa!  A bit of doubt, a bit of fear, a whole lot of excitement.

But, then, ...a whole lot of walking. 
My daughter - the donkey whisperer.

She walked them all.  Some of them twice.
And we left the donkeys promising to come back soon.

It was a good day. 
We brought our cousin from Miami with us.
He found himself a John Deere tractor in action and got to drive it.
It was a very good day.

...did you see me walk that donkey..
...yes, but did you see me use the front loader of the tractor!

This is it, isn't it. 
This is one of those days.
The day you remember always.
The day the two cousins held hands happily.
For the first time.